Thursday, January 1, 2009

Day 10 - Shoulders & Arms

Eh, I skipped two days of exercising, but I had valid reasons. Two days ago I was stressed and lazy, so logically I drank alcohol. Yesterday, New Year's Eve, Jack was one sick puppy -- coughing so hard he threw up twice. On or near me. I still cannot believe I survived yesterday's barf-o-rama ala Stand By Me. We ended up taking him to the doctor, but I couldn't eat anything after the morning's events. So after the doctor it was time to get some food.

This brings me to the subject of cheat meals. I have found mine. The Double Quarter Pounder from McDonald's is the ultimate hangover killer. I learned this from Gary the last time I visited him in Colorado. It may kill a hangover, but check out the nutritional info in that link -- 734 calories for one sandwich!

Alright, on to the exercising, the supposed focus of this blog. I think I finally got the hang of the resistance bands for some of the shoulder press exercises. I'd still much prefer to have some dumbbells, but cost is the overriding concern at the moment. A good set of dumbbells is ~$500 if you can believe that. That purchase isn't happening as I just bought a Canon HD camcorder so I can begin filming more of my family.

If you're lucky, I may even record myself doing some of the ridiculous Kenpo routines. I'm sure that would be hilarious for everyone but me.


  1. I've had 3+ requests for video footage of you doing Yoga. I will buy a tripod for that shit pronto.

  2. No worries Lauren...I've already purchased a webcam for when he does his routines up here.
