Sunday, January 18, 2009

Day 17 - Legs & Back (Ab Ripper-X)

Man, this workout is hard. My right glute (fine, butt cheek) is borderline tweaked after this workout which is resulting in a limp -- not the cool pimp strut, rather more like the old man walk.

Legs are getting stronger for sure, but my right leg is definitely weaker than the left. I may have to start doing more reps/weight on the right side to try and even them out. I don't know if that would even work. I continue to do my pull-ups and chin-ups with the chair help.

I went back and looked at the P90X exercise guide to see what this upcoming week would bring. See, you spend 3 weeks in what P90X calls the 'Adaptive & Mastery' Phase, then the fourth week is spent in the Recovery Phase. P90X is thus broken down into three different overall phases which last 30 days each (3 phases x 30 days = P90X). The whole muscle confusion aspect of P90X is that every month you switch up the workouts so that you get more bang for your buck, so to speak.

Anyways, I digress. What I discovered is that on the days featuring resistance workouts such as Chest & Back, Shoulders & Arms, and Back & Legs you are supposed to be doing this supplemental 15 minute routine called Ab Ripper-X. This seems like a pretty egregious error, but once I got through the first week I just repeated that same routine for the following weeks. Honest mistake, really.

I 'did' Ab Ripper-X today as best I could. This is 15 minutes of brutal stomach and lower back exercise. I'm clearly pathetic at this routine but it was my first time. I'll do it from now on when it's called for, but damn. Now the shortest workout is 75 minutes!

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