Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Day 13 - Chest & Back

Stopped by Sports Authority on the way home to my second home, Paul's place. I needed to buy another pull-up bar, because frankly, the resistance bands are crap. Unusable. I picked up some dumbbells too because some of the arms and shoulder workouts are best done with free weights, and not crappy, new-age resistance bands.

I have the Iron Gym pull-up bar at home, but I bought the EXTREME version today for $10 more. Here's what it looks like:

Only major difference is that the EXTREME version has a wider grip, but it was totally worth it. It was hilarious for Paul to watch me struggle to put it together wrong, then disassemble, then put it back together correctly. And by hilarious, I mean infuriating for me. See, Paul was eating his dinner and watching TV as my blood sugar was plummeting and I was struggling to assemble the EXTREME iron gym.

So it's 7:30 PM by the time I finished the pull-up bar construction and popped the DVD into the player. Sometimes I wish I never started this program. There is no such thing as half-assing these workouts. As they say in the DVDs, you have to bring it. It's really difficult to will yourself through the chest/back routine when you're tired and hungry. Never working out this late at night again.

So I struggled through the workout as I normally do, but this time I had an audience. At first there was heckling, but by the end there was more rooting than heckling. The heckling was totally anticipated.

After the workout I felt nauseous and light headed. Ugh, that's a terrible feeling. Can't wait to be sore all over tomorrow at work.

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