Sunday, December 21, 2008

Day 2 - Plyometrics

Ah, Plyometrics. If you are unfamiliar with this discipline it is basically centered around jumping and quick, rapid movements. It is designed to increase explosiveness and power.

I did plyometrics in high school to improve my white man's vertical. It was tough, but it worked. I also weighed 175 pounds soaking wet in those days.

At age 32 and 250 lbs it is way harder to perform plyometrics.

First, a little back story before I get into describing my plyometrics routine. I had some friends, Meg and John, coming over last night to play some games and drink some booze. I was up until 1AM and I was dragging just trying to get through the night after that ridiculous chest/back routine. Thankfully, my wife and son allowed me to sleep in until 10am today.

So I fire up the DVD around 2pm today. I'm ready to go with heart rate monitor, towel, water, and anything else I would need. You start off warming up with some jogging in place, some stretching, and finally, some lunging. Tony, the 'motivator' of the videos, was already talking shit about how some of you are really in for it if you're already feeling a burn. I was already feeling the burn.

The next 20 minutes consisted of me jumping around and looking ridiculous while trying to get through this routine.

I was actually saying things like, "Fuck you, Tony." in between my gasps for air. My heart rate was over 160 bpm the entire time. I had to actually pause the video a couple times just to catch my breath. I've not worked out this hard in years. I was dripping with sweat half way through.

Oh, and one point, I almost barfed. I was struggling with heartburn (thank you, night of drinking) and all that jumping around was sloshing around the food/water in my stomach. Ugh, I was so close. Mental Note: always eat at LEAST one hour before doing this routine again.

My legs and hip muscles are already beginning to get sore. I broke down and decided to buy the p90x recovery drink. You're supposed to drink it within an hour of completing a workout session and it supposedly drastically reduces your soreness. God, yes, anything to stop the soreness.

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